The Spiral
An 8 session journey of becoming more of who you are
I see you…
Feeling stuck, unsure of yourself and hitting regular bouts of anxiety and doubt
Carrying the weight of past experiences that hold you back from living the life you want
Wanting to connect with who you truly are and let go of the pleasing and self abandoning to feel loved
Craving a deeper shift in your life, after trying mindset work, therapy, and affirmations without the lasting impact you need
Unsure of your emotions and unclear on what you truly need to feel free
Ready to step into your rightful place in the world, with confidence, clarity and connected to your deep inner knowing
Imagine if you were finally able to…
Embrace and confidently share who you truly are with the world without self-doubt or hesitation so you can attract the right opportunities and relationships that align with your true self
Understand and honour what you genuinely want, without second-guessing yourself so you can make decisions that truly support your well-being and happiness
Embrace your power and own your place in the world with confidence, so you can achieve your personal and professional goals with ease and resilience
Let go of what’s been weighing you down and experience a newfound sense of lightness and freedom, so you can focus on what truly matters and live more fully in the present
Recognise, embrace, and live fully as your most empowered self, so you can lead a life filled with purpose, passion, and inner peace
You are worthy of all of this. And I am here to guide you.
“I know how it feels to feel as though you don’t belong. To feel as though something is missing. To be continually searching for something outside of yourself”.
The Spiral supports you to step into a more empowered way of being by releasing the comparison and accepting who you are.
It helps you to acknowledge the past, without getting stuck there, offering a powerful approach to releasing old beliefs, stories, and stuck emotions.
The 8 sessions of the Spiral journey take you through a process to let go of the painful imprints from your past and start consciously creating the life you want.
We will journey together for 4- 5 months, with one session approximately every fortnight.
Together we will clear and create the following.
Level 1 - ROOT: Deserving
Releasing SHAME and increasing SELF WORTH
Level 2 - SACRAL: Creativity
Releasing FEAR and increasing PROACTIVITY
Level 3 - SOLAR PLEXUS: Power
Releasing ANGER and increasing SELF CONFIDENCE
Level 4 - HEART: Openness
Releasing WOUNDS OF THE HEART and increasing LOVE
Level 5 - THROAT: Expression
Releasing LOW SELF WORTH and increasing EXPRESSION
Level 6 - THIRD EYE: Vision
Releasing OLD VIEWS and increasing CLARITY
Level 7 - CROWN: Purpose
Aligning to your HIGHER PURPOSE and DIVINITY
Session 1
We take the time to allow you to get really clear on what you want to get from The Spiral journey. Together we identify and solidify your intention, deepening you into clarity around your why. I bring in energy work, balancing, ritual and bodywork to open you into the beginning of this journey.
Sessions 2-8
The Spiral sessions begin. We clear through each of the 7 main energy centres in the body, un-anchoring what’s blocking you from thriving at each level.
The Spiral uses powerful timeline clears that work by looking back through your life, to identify at which pivotal points certain imprints or attachments got stuck. These attachments form through how we’ve perceived or held onto trauma, childhood experiences or ancestral wounding.
Using kinesiology based muscle testing, we access your unconscious emotions and clear them using body based energy (meridian) points.
This allows that stuck emotion and dense, blocked energy to move. It is this stuck emotion and energy, which has attached itself to a story, that creates the patterns we are trying to change. When we release the stuck pattern, you can feel free and the change you want to make becomes easier to access and manifest.
if you choose to journey the spiral in person:
sessions one and eight are half day 4.5 hour retreat days, where you will get the chance to really get clear on what you’re wanting to move through and create.
What’s included
8 x 1:1 sessions (2.5 hours each in person**, 90 mins- 2 hours online)
**In person journey includes hands on energy balancing & bodywork at each session, set in the beautiful Devon countryside
Sessions take place every 2 weeks.
Integration tasks between sessions
Unlimited 1:1 support throughout your journey
A journal space where you can receive insights, reflections and guidance as you integrate
in person - £3,300 (includes energetic hands on bodywork)
online - £2500
8x one to one sessions, unlimited support in between
payment plans available over 6 or 8 months
What is The Spiral method?
The process was founded by Dane Tomas in 2012, and came together after 12 years of experimentation with different maps and models. It combines elements and learnings from Spiral Dynamics, Kinesiology, the Chakra System and The Human Scale of Consciousness.
What’s the difference between Emotional Clearing & The Spiral?
Emotional clearing is a tool for finding emotions that are stored in the body and releasing them, whereas The Spiral is a journey that utilises this clearing tool, to unlock the emotional blocks for each 7 levels of the chakra system.
How does The Spiral work with The Chakras?
The chakra system is a powerful map, that we can use to identify certain emotional states and expressions of behaviour. Once we unblock each level, you are able to step into a whole new level of empowerment related to each of the behaviours and themes. The Spiral functions as a ladder from low levels of consciousness and low vibrational energies, to higher levels of consciousness and a higher vibration.
As you start to shed the baggage (that you may have held onto for years), you begin to move through the world in a lighter and easier way. Without your stories dictating what you can and cannot do, there is less resistance and self-sabotage. It becomes easier to live in the present moment, let go of the past, and step into your true authentic self.
How is The Spiral different to other types of coaching & therapy that I’ve tried?
You may have tried to create change in the past by changing your thinking (with coaching, affirmations, visualisations, etc) with little or no success. Unlike other processes that focus on removing blocks on a mental level, The Spiral goes into the body’s energy field and releases emotional blocks that are held in the body on an unconscious level. As you free up your emotional body, you in turn free up your ability to start living the life you want.